inTegra House is an oasis of nature and architecture for those who are looking for exclusive spaces for strategical sessions, meetings and training of organisations. Its unique atmosphere and functionally organised facilities will ensure both efficient work and learning and can help to bring out one’s creative potential. Harmonious environment provides space for being yourself, improvement and growing closer to the incipient future!
The goal of inTegra House spaces is to promote the integral management structure of organisations, which creates the working environment based on mutual trust, self-control and focus on new possibilities. The inspiring example of the company, which created these spaces, motivates the Lithuanian and foreign organisations to look for new methods of action and create the culture of consciousness in businesses.
Company details
UAB „Tegros namai“
Company code: 303473919
VAT number: LT100009398618
VšĮ „Meno ir Verslo Sinergija“
Company code: 302932700
VAT number: LT100009718413
+370 656 18865
Privacy and cookie policy
inTegra House
How to find us?
Ezero street 16, Subartenai village, Elektrenai municipality, LT-21343 Lithuania
54.644907, 24.762859 (WGS)
2017 © inTegra House